Exclusive To Betrayal

Veiled Modifiers: A Unique and Powerful Aspect of Betrayal

Exclusive to Betrayal

Veiled modifiers are a unique and exclusive feature found only in the Betrayal mechanics of Path of Exile. These modifiers are added to items, primarily those dropped by Immortal Syndicate members.

Bargain Items

Immortal Syndicate members may also offer a Veiled item as part of a Bargain. These bargains often require specific currencies or actions to be completed before the modifier can be unveiled.

Double Veiled Items

Items with two veiled mods are much rarer than those with a single veiled mod. These items can be a valuable source of powerful modifiers.

Scouring and Unveiling

To unlock the potential of a veiled modifier, you can use the Crafting Bench to scour the unveiled crafted mod on your item. This will reveal the hidden modifier and allow you to use it as you wish.

Aisling's Intervention

Alternatively, you can run your Safehouse and use Aisling's services to unveil veiled modifiers. Aisling can unveil a modifier for free, but she may also modify the item in other ways.

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